Alternative Angles

1/3200 sec, f/4.0, ISO 400, 18 mm, Manual

1/2700 sec, f/4.0, ISO 400, 18 mm, Manual

1/2700 sec, f/4.0, ISO 400, 18 mm, Manual

1/250 sec, f/13, ISO 400, 25 mm, Manual

This photograph has an alternate angle. The man is propped up from the ground and onto the side of the bridge. The picture seems to be kind of confusing to look at. From our point of view the man is upright. But probably from the camera man’s angle the guy is sideways and the photo was taken horizontally but edited vertically. Also, is the man actually pushing himself up by the one arm? How would he have balanced? It makes someone think about it and have many questions. The photo includes leading lines because it is a walkway on a bridge. Overall, this is a successful photo of alternative angles.

I chose this photo because it stuck out to me than all of the other ones. It made my tilt my head to see that the guy was not actually on the ground. I can’t figure out if he had used photoshop to lift himself up into that position. The leading lines are side to side but in reality, they are leading somewhere up, and it makes me confused. The wall also looks like the great wall of China. There is a lot of trees and greenery in the background. The shadow makes the photo seem realistic. The exposure is at a great setting which can be seen. One improvement could be to edit out the people in the walkway. In my opinion this is a great picture that’s showing alternative angles.

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