
Fully Auto

Fully Auto

Fully Auto

This photograph is successful in many ways. The bricks are vibrant, there are different types of shades of blue. The black outline does a great job of showing the different sizes of bricks and how they all come together.

The lighting is perfect, it’s not too dark and it’s not too bright where you can’t figure out what it is. The photograph seems like it has a rough texture too because of all the sandy cracks and edges.

Overall, this photograph is successful because of the color, the different sizes of bricks, the lighting and the texture.  

I chose this photograph because it stuck out to me. The color was distinct because other photographs had browns or light browns. It’s more interesting to see an object that’s not in its common color catches someone’s eye.

It’s predictable how the texture is going to feel like seeing it. The texture is like a paper crinkled and opened back up.  

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